“The opera world loses one of its stars”: singer Jodie Devos died of cancer at 35

“The opera world loses one of its stars”: singer Jodie Devos died of cancer at 35
“The opera world loses one of its stars”: singer Jodie Devos died of cancer at 35

Singer Jodie Devos, one of the most talented lyrical artists of her generation, died this Sunday, June 16, 2024 at the age of 35. She suffered from breast cancer.

“Today, the opera world loses one of its stars. Sparkling, full of talent, sparkling and full of joy… The Opéra-Comique was her home, we think of her, her family and those close to her . Rest in peace Jodie Devos.” On X, the Opéra-Comique, where Jodie Devos trained and produced, pays tribute to the Belgian singer.

Today, the opera world is losing one of its stars.
Sparkling, full of talent, sparkling and full of joy…
The Opéra-Comique was her home, we think of her, her family and those close to her.
Rest in peace Jodie Devos??? pic.twitter.com/M5h9rHm6rY

— Opéra-Comique (@Opera_Comique) https://twitter.com/Opera_Comique/status/1802335000081129541?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

“Exceptional personality”

The soprano artist died this Sunday, June 16, 2024, from cancer at the age of 35.

“Considered one of the most talented lyrical artists of her generation”Jodie Devos is dead “following breast cancer which forced her to cancel several commitments”according to the Intermezzo agency, which has managed his career since 2016, cited by TF1 in particular.


“An exceptional, luminous personality loved by all, her sudden departure leaves a huge void in the hearts of all those who were lucky enough to know her. All our thoughts go to her family and loved ones”continues the agency.

Jodie Devos was to sing in the opera “The Olympiad” by Antonio Vivaldi at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, from June 20, 2024. Trained in Namur, London and at the Académie de l’Opéra-Comique in Paris, the artist had performed on numerous stages in Europe, as well as in Bombay or Quebec.



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