In Aubigny-Les Clouzeaux, an Olympic day for 500 schoolchildren

In Aubigny-Les Clouzeaux, an Olympic day for 500 schoolchildren
In Aubigny-Les Clouzeaux, an Olympic day for 500 schoolchildren

« I preferred everything! » At the finish line of the obstacle course, Lina displays a huge smile. The first grade student sprints to join the next workshop. “ I played frisbee, badminton, ball and also memory… » So many events designed by the municipality of Aubigny-Les Clouzeaux for its Olympic Day.

A highlight linked to the Olympics

This Tuesday, June 25, more than 500 students from CP to CM2 from the town’s four public and private schools wet their jerseys at the Aubin sports complex. Football fields, city stadium, sports hall… small groups rush from workshop to workshop. “ We have planned twelve: eight sports and four quizzes, explains Simon Roy, sports educator. All year round, the Sports department offers activity cycles for school children. With the Terre de Jeux label, we wanted to end the school year with a highlight linked to the Olympic Games. »

With their t-shirts in the colors of the Olympic rings, the students encourage their team. “ It’s cool to do this with friends », agrees a group of CM2. Junior enjoys a well-deserved break: “ I just did a relay. It’s a really good day. » It’s not Lina who will say the opposite: “ It was so good ! »



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