“It’s a miracle” This film by Christopher Nolan is a masterpiece for the director of La La Land with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone

Culture news “It’s a miracle” This film by Christopher Nolan is a masterpiece for the director of La La Land with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone

Published on 06/13/2024 at 12:30

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An important director of our time, Damien Chazelle is full of praise for his colleagues. Proof of this is: the various declarations of the filmmaker praising various Nolan films, including Dunkirk, which he considers a miracle.

Author of the acclaimed La La Land, Whiplash And Babylon – but also of the unfortunate First Man, always relayed to the background – Damien Chazelle is undoubtedly one of the important actors of current cinema. It must be said that the Franco-American director breathes and talks about cinema like few others do. Whether drawing inspiration from Jacques Demy and other period musicals to La La Land, his masterpiece with 6 Oscars and 7 Golden Globes. Or even by paying homage to 1920s Hollywood in its unloved, yet spectacular, Babylonwhose commercial failure we explained to you in this article. Chazelle has always proclaimed his love for his friends, both heritage and contemporary.

It is therefore not surprising that see him acclaim the work of Christopher Nolan, a director towards whom he has always shown a lot of respect. It is also at the microphone of Variety that he chose to declare his love for the British-American filmmaker and in particular for one of his works, Dunkirk:

What Christopher Nolan achieves with “Dunkirk” feels like the culmination of a career. It’s cinema like music — a continuous, breathless flow of images and sounds that seems elemental and primal. And for such a giant film, which represents such an epic event, it is simplicity itself that takes precedence (…) It reminded me of the lessons of silent cinema. When you strip away everything but the essentials, you can see the true heart of a thing. And in our case, the “thing” is a battle that few people in America had heard of before. How can a film called “Dunkirk” attract so many people to American theaters these days? It’s a bit of a miracle, a giant middle finger to everyone who says there’s no longer room for big risks on the big screen.

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At the same time, it must be admitted that there are many reasons to be complimentary of Dunkirk. Telling the story of the operation Dynamocarried out from May 27 to June 4, 1940, during the historic battle of Dunkirk, the film takes the side of follow three groups of protagonists : a British aviator (the Sky), a group of sailors on their way to France (the Sea) and soldiers stuck on the northern beaches (the Earth). Three groups which will evolve each on their own, in a tumultuous non-linear narrationwhich will find its meaning in a grandiose conclusion.

A war film therefore, which follows the desperate attempt of the Allies to reach England in order to survive, and this, thanks to a grandiose production and an insane soundscape. Because, if Nolan knows how to impress us with his camera, by wonderfully showing us the smallness of a soldier in a war without restraint, we don’t know what to say about the effort made on the sound of Dunkirk. Imposing, stressful and disturbing, the soundtrack gives rhythm to the feature film, plunging us sometimes into a state of intense stress and tension, sometimes into a delirious and liberating euphoria. A spectacular work for which the sound teams will naturally be rewarded with two Oscars, one for editing and the other for mixing.

A film which is, therefore, definitely worth seeing, although we can still criticize it for some historical inaccuracies. Inaccuracies which notably obscure the major role of French soldiers in repelling Nazi forces. Released in 2017 in cinemas, Dunkirk is now available on the new Max platform, which you talked about in this article.

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