After the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice, Charline Vanhoenacker does not resign from France Inter, but…

After the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice, Charline Vanhoenacker does not resign from France Inter, but…
After the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice, Charline Vanhoenacker does not resign from France Inter, but…
Capture Youtube France Inter Charline Vanhoenacker on June 13 in the morning show of France Inter

Capture Youtube France Inter

Charline Vanhoenacker on June 13 in the morning show of France Inter

MEDIA – She has lost none of her verve, quite the contrary. This Thursday, June 13, Charline Vanhoenacker was on the air of the France Inter morning show, two days after the announcement of the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice by Radio France. The opportunity for the Belgian journalist to look back on this forced departure, and on her own future within the radio. All in a most corrosive mood post entitled “ Loyalty of expression “.

Evoking the chaotic political news of the last few days, Charline Vanhoenacker begins with a comparison with her own situation, just as ” infernal “, as you can see below.

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After learning that the radio (that she) loves dismisses her comrade Meurice (that she) loves », the host of the Great Sunday evening also had to face a wave of resignations from its columnists, including Aymeric Lompret, GiedRé and Thomas VDB to name a few. Which makes him say: “ Then I learn that half of the team on my show is leaving, and there I become Belgian again, since I am without a government. »

Mentioning the great upheaval hidden from Gabriel Attal until the last moment and the case of Éric Ciotti locked in his office at LR headquarters, Charline Vanhoenacker does not beat around the bush to qualify as “ stupid decision » of the presidency (of the Republic as well as of Radio France) the dissolution and therefore the ousting of Guillaume Meurice.

There “ irreverent loyalty »

At the end of the column, adopting an unequivocally ironic tone, Charline Vanhoenacker announces that she will henceforth practice “ loyal irreverence », in order to fulfill his part of the contract with his radio station. Namely that the “oHe’s paid to be irreverent, but be careful, it’s new, without crossing the red line of disloyalty. »

A paradox which pushes the columnist to question her own future within Radio France. “ So from today, I decided to really live each column as if it were my last. I will live them as one crash test of humor. I hope that Arcom has turned on its sound system for the end of the season “, she announces.

With the exception of a message published on social networks on June 12, in which she thanked her former accomplice for their long collaboration and castigated the motive put forward by the management of France Inter, Charline Vanhoenacker had not spoken since the announcement of the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice after his layoff.

The latter was fired after a column in which he compared the Israeli Prime Minister to a “ Nazi without foreskin “. Words that he reiterated after being cleared by the courts, without this visibly moving the management of Radio France.

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