two couriers attacked with a knife Tuesday evening in Denain, one seriously injured

two couriers attacked with a knife Tuesday evening in Denain, one seriously injured
two couriers attacked with a knife Tuesday evening in Denain, one seriously injured

Tuesday evening, around 8:15 p.m., an alert was given by witnesses of a knife attack in Denain. The events took place behind the McDonald’s restaurant, in the part of the Carrefour parking lot which leads to the Conservatory.

According to our initial information, an individual, minor or young adult, carrying two knives, attacked two Uber couriers who were waiting on their scooter at the McDonald’s “drive” area. He allegedly stabbed the victims (two men) several times with a weapon measuring approximately 35 cm, one of whom was slightly injured in the neck and arm, and the other more seriously in the arm. The latter had to be transfused and transported by SAMU to a hospital.

The motive for the attack remains unclear at this stage. Only the ongoing police investigation will be able to determine the real intentions of the accused.

The city’s video surveillance cameras made it possible to follow the path of the individual, wearing a yellow football jersey, after the attack. He had taken refuge before the rapid arrival of the police (municipal police and national police) at the scene of the attack in a house located at the end of a small cul-de-sac in Denain. It was there that he was arrested around 11 p.m. and then taken into police custody. The two knives as well as the yellow jersey stained with blood were found in the home.

The location of the attack was marked out and secured so that the technical and scientific police could begin their investigations.



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