Mister V calls not to vote for the far-right in the legislative elections

Mister V calls not to vote for the far-right in the legislative elections
Mister V calls not to vote for the far-right in the legislative elections

Like other influencers, videographer Mister V shared a story on Instagram inviting his community to go to the polls for the early legislative elections, while sharing his strong opinions on the subject.

After Léna Situations, Ponce and even Sally, the reactions of influencers are multiplying after the record results of the National Rally (RN) in the European elections. This Tuesday, June 11, it is the turn of YouTuber Mister V, followed by 6.3 million subscribers on the platform, to use his notoriety to make his voice heard against the party.

In his Instagram story, the one who is also a rapper shared the publication of the journalist Salomé Saqué which deciphers the reasons for Emmanuel Macron’s choice to dissolve the National Assembly, and which sets out what the RN’s policy would be in the event of victory to the anticipated legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

Mister V’s Instagram story from June 11. – screenshot

“I invite you all to read this post. And to all go vote on June 30 and July 7. And of course, not for fafs [militants d’extrême droite français, NDLR] shit”, writes Mister V in the caption of his story.

“I am very disappointed in you”

A strong stance against the RN which does not seem to please its entire community. The YouTuber has indeed received several messages from his subscribers. “Unfollow after your kisses story”, writes one Internet user.

In response, the YouTuber simply reshared an old excerpt from an interview. In the show, Mister V explains that he is surprised that certain people “love me, even though they are deeply racist.”

“I have a part of my community who is surprised when I don’t support racist ideals on Instagram. I’m very little political, but when I spoke recently, some told me: ‘I’m very disappointed in you,’” he explains in the interview.

Criticisms which do not seem to reach the YouTuber who continues his few political positions. At the beginning of June, Mister V, along with 234 artists, signed a platform in Release in which he questions the President of the Republic on the recognition of a Palestinian state.

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