This free festival returns to Heritage Days: artists and places already known

This free festival returns to Heritage Days: artists and places already known
This free festival returns to Heritage Days: artists and places already known


Nathan Blouin

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 2:55 p.m.

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With growing success each year, the “Itinerary in search of artists” festival, organized by Pré-Bocage Intercom and the association Reality Current Artprepares his return to Calvados for what will be his 6th edition.

As usual, the festival will be held across the Pré-Bocageon the occasion of the European Heritage Days, in September 2024. More precisely, over two weekends: the 14-15 and the September 21-22.

And although these dates may still be far away, the artists who will be present on this occasion are already known. In total, they will be 14including 12 plastic artists, distributed across a dozen places in the Pré-Bocage.

A more condensed territory this year

This year, we wanted to tighten up the space. We realized last year that there was too much distance to cover if we wanted to go to each location, so we wanted to offer a more condensed location, while still offering new places to discover.

Régis Bodrug, president of Réalité Art Actuel

Programming – as a reminder, completely free – will therefore intertwine new places with the renewal of others, which have become very identified over the years, as well as a return to Villers-Bocage, a first in five years.

It is also there, in a historic pre-war residence, that the festival info point, the place to go to obtain more details or information. This will therefore be the preferred location if necessary.

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The festival program

Villers-Bocage, pre-war residence : festival info point and installation by Lydie Adrian inside the house.

Tournay-sur-Odon, at the Villodon CDAR : photographs by Karine Saporta.

Tournay-sur-Odon, at the Château de Ragny : still with Karine Saporta, creation of contemporary dance costumes in the Saint-Barbe chapel of the castle, and performances in the park.

Tournay-sur-Odon, Saint-Pierre church : “Enjoy”, an installation of paintings by Régis Bodrug.

Villy-Bocage, Buquet farm : installation by Jean-Gérard Gwezenneg.

Villy-Bocage, at the Moulinerie : carte blanche to Patrick Thomé, who will pay tribute to Michel Dubois, former director of the Comédie de Caen.

Villy-Bocage, in the old castle stable : Stéphane Quoniam presented his paintings on the war in Ukraine.

Maisoncelles-Pelvey : Guillaume Landemaine will propose an installation throughout the village, at the bread oven, the church, and the wash house.

Anctoville, at the castle : Didier Nivaut will present his collages.

Livry, Saint-Sulpice chapel : installation by Caty Banneville and Samuel Aurea.

Mesnil-au-Grain, at the town hall : Marielle Lefebvre will present her textile creations, particularly costumes.

Mesnil-au-Grain, at the church : Akitoshi Yamada will exhibit his paintings, while a classical music concert will be offered by reservation on Sunday September 22 to close the festival. It will be provided by Kateryna Khudiakova and Anna Voievodkina, two Ukrainian violinists from the Kiev Philharmonic in residence at that of Paris.

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