A branch collapses on the public during a festival in Lavaur, a man in absolute emergency

A branch collapses on the public during a festival in Lavaur, a man in absolute emergency
A branch collapses on the public during a festival in Lavaur, a man in absolute emergency

the essential
A branch fell on a group of festival-goers. One of them had to be evacuated in absolute emergency. The park where the festival was held at that time was evacuated by decision of the town hall. The festival continues but elsewhere.

Hard blow for the Rock’&’ cars festival which is currently taking place in Lavaur. Today, around 6 p.m. a festival-goer of British origin was seriously injured and three other people more lightly affected by a falling branch. According to the authorities, the festival-goer was evacuated as an absolute emergency to a hospital center.

According to initial findings, the branch was rotten, which explains why it broke. She fell on a second branch, which in turn fell on the festival-goers. The most surprising thing is that there was no gust of wind. Nothing.

The mayor of Lavaur, Bernard Carayon immediately evacuated the park where the festival was taking place in order to secure the premises. Tonight, despite this incident, Rock’&’cars continues. “But elsewhere,” specifies Bernard Carayon. From Monday, the town hall will have a specialist visit all public spaces to check the strength of the trees. In this park, the city had a pruner come by at the beginning of the year to cut dead branches. And the mayor of Lavaur recalled that it was in these places that he had two “magnificent” but dangerous Lebanese cedars cut down. And that at the time, some strongly criticized him.

The Rock’&’ cars festival, which runs until June 9, suffered a first blow with the cancellation of two headliners: Fleshtones and Popa Chubby. The originality of this festival is to welcome several hundred collector’s vehicles, mainly of US origin, and a dozen groups on stage, including this year Franck Margerin, the godfather of the 2024 edition.



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