Play guessing games with Les Franglaises in Toulouse

Play guessing games with Les Franglaises in Toulouse
Play guessing games with Les Franglaises in Toulouse

The adventure des Franglaises started around fifteen years ago in Saint-Maur-Des-Fossés (Val-de-Marne), as Saliha, founding member of the group, tells us. “At the time, I was doing theater with a small group of friends. One day, a restaurant gave us carte blanche to host a dinner show. We had the idea of ​​a guessing game where spectators would have to recognize the lyrics of Anglo-Saxon songs translated into literal French. For example, when the Beatles sing “I make a real bread”, it is translated, word for word, as “I make a real bread”. Which has nothing to do with the meaning of this expression which means “I earn my crust well”, or “I earn my living well”. This game was so popular that we were asked to play several parties. People were having a lot of fun.” One thing led to another (“from one thing to another”), the Franglaises group created their show, which started small in the streets of the Avignon festival in 2010, then won the Molière for best musical show in 2015, and totals “some 2,000 performances and 1.5 million spectators” indicates Saliha.

Broken Arm Team

The group Les Franglaises brings together 12 artists on stage, all versatile. “We are very prepared for a show prepared under the guidance of our master of ceremonies, who has taken care of everything down to the smallest detail. But of course, nothing goes as planned,” says the actress. Saliha plays “a very chic kind of queen of the night, who has the will to do well, but who will reveal her potential for idiocy and clowning and joins the team of broken arms”. Michel Fils-de-Jacques (Michael Jackson), Reine (Queen), Les Scarabées (The Beatles), Les Filles Épices (Spice Girls) and the others, are waiting for us for a completely crazy blind test.

Les Franglaises, at 8:30 p.m. on June 4 and 5 at the Casino Barrière, 18 chemin de la Loge, in Toulouse. Such. 05 61 33 37 77. Places from €38, at the usual points of sale.


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