Castres. Friends of the Museums launch a subscription

Castres. Friends of the Museums launch a subscription
Castres. Friends of the Museums launch a subscription

The Friends of the Castres Museums’ mission is, among other things, to enrich the collection of Castres museums and more particularly the Goya Museum. After purchasing a predella in 2018, then a large illustrated book of Miro’s engravings in 2021, they are once again launching a subscription for the acquisition of new works intended for the Goya Museum.

“This time it involves acquiring a Madoura edition dish, Corrida on a black background by Picasso from the 1970s (Vallauris) and three original lithographs by Picasso, part of the book “A los Toros” published in 1961, and a book very rare published on the occasion of Joan Mirò’s 80th birthday “Oda a Joan Mirò” with a beautiful epitaph signed by Mirò, an original lithograph signed by the hand of this artist.”

The choice of these works was validated by the Conservation of Castres Museums and the municipality. They will complete an already exceptional collection, making the Goya Museum the second museum in France on the Hispanic theme.

Maribel Auger, president, indicates “the acquisition of this set is in progress, in order to participate we are appealing to your generosity, for an amount of €13,350. And whatever the amount of your donation, it will always be welcome, it will support us in our unwavering commitment alongside the City and its Museums; it is the small streams that make the big rivers!”

Tax reduction

The association being recognized as being of public interest, donations from individuals (natural persons) allow a reduction in income tax for the current year, up to 66% of their amount (article 238 bis of the General Code of Taxes, CGI). For corporate donations the deduction is 60% of their amount. Any payment will result in the sending of a receipt for donations to our Association (Cerfa n° 11 580*04). “From now on, we are very grateful in advance for your active support. Please send your check to the Association of Friends of the Museums of Castres, 8 rue Frédéric Thomas, 81100 Castres.”



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