The War Within: Your battalion bonuses after the end of the campaign – World of Warcraft

The Khaz Algar campaign is made up of three chapters per zone, making twelve in total. It’s shorter than usual, which is not without consequences since if you limit yourself to major quests, you will complete the campaign around level 75 or 76. That said, once the campaign is completed, you will unlock bonuses and this is what we will briefly address.

If you want to know more about the campaign, know that I have published summaries on the zone pages. Of course, it’s full of spoilers but I know some of you aren’t particularly bothered by that:

Once Azj-Kahet has been validated, you will be back in Dornogal for the rest of the story. The campaign does not really end in the last zone, additional quests continuing the story.

That said, this is when the game tells you that the campaign is over. This means that you now have access to expeditions, which allows you to continue your leveling and obtain lots of new rewards. In addition, your battalion will automatically take advantage of the situation. Indeed, your secondary characters will be able to play the way you want (no need to do the campaign) and immediately access expeditions.



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