discover the highlights of the Narbonnaise Archeology Meetings

discover the highlights of the Narbonnaise Archeology Meetings
discover the highlights of the Narbonnaise Archeology Meetings

This fall, the Narbonnaise Archeology Meetings (RAN) return from October 15 to 20 in . Spotlight on this unique event which offers documentary film and book competitions, exhibitions and conferences around archaeology. [Partenariat]

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Vestiges, fossils, relics… Archeology has always fascinated young and old with its mysteries, its discoveries and the stories it unearths! The Narbonnaise Archeology Meetings offer you, for a week, the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of archaeologists. Discover the highlights that will punctuate the event:

Each year, the RAN rewards at the national level audiovisual productions and documentary films which promote the dissemination of archaeological research and which raise awareness of this discipline which is still too discreet in the eyes of the general public.

This year, echoing the 30th anniversary of the discovery of the Chauvet cave, the film “Tautavel, living in Europe before Neanderthal”directed by Emma Baus, was chosen to open the RAN, this Tuesday, October 15 at 8:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Narbo Via museumin the presence of the director.

Before Neanderthals, representatives of the human race lived on European territory. One place, in particular, witnessed their passage: the Tautavel cave, located in France, at the foot of the Pyrenees. By relying on the latest scientific discoveries, the film changes the way we look at these distant ancestors whose cognitive abilities never cease to surprise us.

In all, these are 26 documentary films in competition. Among them: “Napoleon on Saint Helena, the last act” by Dominique Adt, “Mesopotamia, the rediscovery of the treasures of Iraq” by Olivier Julien, or even “We call them: Vikings” by Benjamin Brillaud, aka Nota Bene, and Laureline Amanieux.

Five prizes will be awarded for documentary films : the Paul Tournal Grand Prize, the Jury Prize, the Best Music Prize, the Audience Prize and the Heritage and Educational Short Film Prize.

In parallel with the documentary film competition, the RAN will award the Grand Prix for the archeology book and the Grand Prix for the archeology comic strip. These awards are intended to promote authors capable of popularizing the major questions of archeology and those who bring historical discoveries to life through their stories, in stories and illustrations, in order to make them accessible to readers.

If this universe fascinates you, do not miss it under any circumstances. archeology book and comic book fair, Friday October 18 and Saturday October 19 at La Poudrière, free entry. A unique event in France dedicated to archeology and heritage which will bring together specialized booksellers and publishers as well as around twenty authors for signings!

For the fourth consecutive year, a “Archéo Pop” day is organized Thursday October 17 at the Narbo Via museum on the theme of “Archeology through video games and manga“. An afternoon of meetings and exchanges around archeology in popular culture which brings together numerous speakers around four conferences:

  • “Heritage and video games: return to a project around Saint-Guilhem-le-désert” (1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.)
  • “From Montezuma to Zelda: archeology or mass destruction?” (2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.)
  • “Authenticity, reconstruction and video games” (3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.)
  • and “Art of war and art of living: Rome in manga” (4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.)

The RAN also has numerous exhibitions to discover, such as “Forward History!” with Playmobile, activities and conferences. Discover the full program of the event on the Rencontres d’archéologie de la Narbonnaise website

Meet from October 15 to 20 to celebrate together the work of scientists and artists around archaeology!

France 3 is a partner of the Narbonnaise Archeology Meetings.



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