Excess fat in this area of ​​the body causing chronic pain?

Excess fat in this area of ​​the body causing chronic pain?

Belly fat is a source of complexes for many women. But in addition to the aesthetic discomforts it can cause, it could be the cause of health problems. Indeed, according to a new study published in the journal Regional Anaesthesia And Pain Medicinehaving excess fat in the abdominal area and around organs like the liver and pancreas (known as visceral adipose tissue) is linked to chronic pain throughout the body, especially in women. Also, losing weight or reducing your waistline could help relieve symptoms, the researchers suggest. To reach this conclusion, the researchers examined data from 32,409 people who took part in the UK Biobank study. They gave the participants an MRI scan to measure the amount of fat around their abdominal organs. The amount of fat just under the skin, the kind that can be pinched, was also studied. This is known as subcutaneous adipose tissue. They also asked the individuals if they had experienced pain in the neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee or all of their body for more than three months. Two years later, they repeated the tests on 638 participants.

Gender differences in fat distribution and hormones

Results? The more fat people had around their abdomen, the more likely they were (…)

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