According to a new study, 18% of French people hold cryptocurrencies


This figure shows a growing evolution in the adoption of cryptocurrencies in France.

A new study conducted by the cryptocurrency exchange platform Gemini, published on September 10, 2024, concluded that 18% of French people would hold cryptocurrencies. This is the highest number ever mentioned and is significantly above the results of the annual study on Web3 and crypto in France, carried out last March by Adan.

In the details of this “2024 Global State of Crypto report”, based on a survey conducted among 6,000 adults in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Singapore and Turkey by Gemini, the adoption rate would have increased from 16% in 2022 to 18% in 2024 in France. More than 12 million French people would therefore hold cryptocurrencies today. The company also notes that the number of former holders has increased, from 8% to 12%. This means that in total, 30% of French people would have already held cryptocurrencies.

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This number of 18% of French people holding cryptos must be put into perspective. Indeed, at the beginning of 2024, the annual study on Web3 and crypto in France and Europe, carried out by Adan (association for the development of digital assets), in partnership with KPMG and the Ipsos polling institute, rather mentioned 12% of French people owning crypto assets in 2023.

As for cryptocurrency holders, they are rather optimistic about the evolution of their prices. 70% of bitcoin holders think that its value will continue to increase over the next five years and 63% think that, within 10 years, many companies will accept bitcoin, ethereum or stablecoins as a means of payment, according to the Gemini survey. Note that there are still more men (65%) than women (35%) who hold cryptocurrencies in France.

What about adoption in other countries?

According to the study, which focused on only four countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore and France), the number of cryptocurrency holders has remained rather stable. In the United States, for example, adoption is estimated to have increased from 20% to 21% between 2022 and 2024, in the United Kingdom, the number of holders remained at 18%, but in Singapore, the number of cryptocurrency holders has decreased, from 30% in 2022 to 26% in 2024.

“The introduction of cash crypto ETFs in the United States and significant progress toward thoughtful regulation in many jurisdictions globally have positioned the sector for strong growth as retail investors join or dive into the cryptocurrency market for the first time,” said Marshall Beard, Chief Operating Officer at Gemini.

While Gemini does not provide figures on global cryptocurrency ownership, according to another report, Triple A’s “The State of Global Cryptocurrency Ownership in 2024” published on May 24, 562 million people hold cryptocurrencies worldwide.


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