: a solidarity ticket office to offer concert tickets

Are you ready to give a helping hand to those who cannot afford a concert ticket? In , the contemporary music room La Vapeur launches a solidarity ticket office. Like in certain cafes, where you pay the price of a second cup which will be offered to someone who has no money, well La Vapeur offers us a concert ticket.
You can pay the equivalent of one ticket extra, or simply leave a financial contribution from one eurowhich will make it possible to finance places. “This will fund a pot” specifies Yann Rivoal, director of La Vapeur. “It will be made available to people close to us, who we already know. These are people accommodated in the reception center for asylum seekers, managed by the Red Cross, and unaccompanied minors, monitored by ADEFO, the Dijon Family Support Association These are people who come to lend a hand during the Vapéros (aperitif concerts -editor’s note-).”

The La Vapeur concert hall © Radio
Olivier Estran

A year of testing

“They are the ones who will choose the concerts that interest them, within the limits of the seats made possible by this prize pool. We are few pioneers in this system. There are already theaters in France which offer suspended seats during performances, we want leave the choice.”

“Our solidarity ticket office opened around ten days ago, and there are already contributions. We have no doubts about the generosity of our public. We are giving ourselves a year to see what happens. If it works well , we will extend this to other beneficiaries” concludes Yann Rivoal.

If you would like to contribute, the next concert at La Vapeur is a techno evening this Saturday October 12 with 3 DJs on the program.
Note that in Dijon, the Burgundian Cultural Association also proposes this principle of “suspended tickets” for plays.

Varied audience, and always a good atmosphere at La Vapeur
Varied audience, and always a good atmosphere at La Vapeur © Radio France
Olivier Estran


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