Burkina Faso: here is why Ibrahim Traoré suspended…

Burkina Faso: here is why Ibrahim Traoré suspended…
Burkina Faso: here is why Ibrahim Traoré suspended…

In Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traoré has suspended the reality TV show The Bachelor on the Canal+ channel until further notice.

The decision was made public by the Superior Communication Council (CSC), the country’s media regulatory body, on Wednesday October 2, 2024.

The measure taken by Ibrahim Traoré to ban the broadcast of the reality TV show the Bachelor in Burkina Faso was taken due to the attack on morals and a negative representation of African women.

According to the CSC, the image conveyed by The Bachelor does not correspond to the cultural and social values ​​of Burkina Faso.

The show, which features women competing to win the affections of a man, is seen as degrading and incompatible with the perception of the role and dignity of women in Burkinabe society.

The decision also aims to protect the country’s youth against this type of content, deemed potentially harmful to their education and morality.

The military regime led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré therefore decided to put an end to this form of entertainment in the land of honest men.

The Bachelor Francophone Africa is a show in which several young women compete to seduce the heart of a single man.

Gradually, the man who is defined as the Bachelor eliminates the young women until only the two finalists remain for the last episode of the season.



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