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A third cinema could open its doors in Mons: “Discussions had been launched but the health crisis slowed everything down”

A third cinema could open its doors in Mons: “Discussions had been launched but the health crisis slowed everything down”
A third cinema could open its doors in Mons: “Discussions had been launched but the health crisis slowed everything down”

Could a third cinema therefore find its place in the Mons landscape? In any case, it is a project that is running through Nicolas Martin’s mind. “It’s actually an idea I’ve had in mind for a long time.“, confirms the current (unable to act) mayor of Mons, Nicolas Martin (PS). “To be honest, discussions had already been launched at the beginning of the mandate. But the health crisis has completely broken this momentum.”

The Plaza joins the Cinéville network and confirms its good health: “the public is responding, the number of regulars is increasing”

Like others, the film sector has been hit hard by the epidemic and the government measures adopted to contain it.Discussions resumed slowly afterwards but nothing could be finalised but there is a real sign of interest from a group to move forward with this idea. We are actually starting from the observation that a series of customers are escaping Imagix for the moment while they would like to take advantage of its offer.”

“Outdoor cinemas were a mistake”

The mayor, a candidate for his succession, mentions students or more particularly older people who do not leave the city centre to go to the Imagix site. “Opening cinemas outside the city thirty years ago was a mistake because it weakens the dynamics of the city centre in the evening. When they go to the cinema, people like to eat before, have another drink afterwards. It’s something that boosts nightlife.”

In this sense, opening a new cinema, with a few screens, which would offer mainstream films and blockbusters would “make perfect sense.” “It will not be a competing offer at all at the Plaza because we will not be on the same program”Nicolas Martin continues. What about Imagix, on the other hand? “It is too early to announce the name of an operator but Imagix has indeed expressed interest in this project.”

If Nicolas Martin once again gains the confidence of the voters, this is a project that he intends to carry out. “The form that this could take has not yet been defined. It could be a purely private investment, approached by the city but financed by the private sector, or a public-private partnership if the city were, for example, to make available land or a building that it owns. It is too early to say more, we are still only at the stage of intentions.”

In short, at this stage, nothing is done. But things could probably speed up if the opportunity to continue discussions is given the day after the local elections.



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