Swiss tourism wants to make autumn a new flagship season

Swiss tourism wants to make autumn a new flagship season
Swiss tourism wants to make autumn a new flagship season

Published on September 18, 2024 at 11:08. / Modified on September 18, 2024 at 1:51 p.m.

A humorous video that brings together former Swiss tennis champion Roger Federer and Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen succumbing to the charms of Swiss nature in autumn: the latest video from Switzerland Tourism released last week confirms, if need be, that the latter is thinking big when it comes to promoting this season.

The campaign is mainly targeting European markets: Germany, , Italy, the United Kingdom and the Nordic countries, explains a spokesperson for Switzerland Tourism. “Short stays, popular in autumn, are particularly accessible to this clientele from nearby markets,” he adds. This is because today, in this season as in others, the Swiss represent the most numerous tourists.

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