How to make Parisian gnocchi with ham, brie and button mushrooms?

How to make Parisian gnocchi with ham, brie and button mushrooms?

Plump and soft, gnocchi are a delight to the palate. And when they are prepared with ham, cheese and mushrooms, you can’t help but succumb!

A variation of the famous Italian gnocchi, prepared with wheat semolina, Parisian gnocchi are made with choux pastry. They are first poached in boiling water and gratinated in the oven. In this delicious recipe, the gnocchi are served with pan-fried mushrooms, julienned ham and a brie emulsion. Amazing!

Ingredients for 4 people

12.5 cl of water
27.5 cl of milk
50 g butter
125 g flour
4 eggs
2 egg yolks
50 g grated Gruyere cheese
100 g of Paris ham
250 g of mushrooms
1 clove of garlic
5 cl of whole liquid cream (30% fat)
50 g of brie
½ bunch of watercress

The steps for preparing Parisian gnocchi

Prepare the choux pastry: pour the water, 12.5 cl of milk and the butter cut into pieces into a saucepan. Add a pinch of salt, ground nutmeg and cayenne pepper and bring to the boil.
Remove from the heat so that the butter melts, then reheat everything. Once boiling, remove the pan from the heat and pour in the flour all at once, stirring vigorously to make the panade.
Dry over low heat, working with a spatula, until a film forms on the bottom of the pan.
Then put it in a bowl,…

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Also read:

Zucchini gnocchi: as comforting as it is delicious, this recipe is a must-try!
Here’s how to easily make pumpkin-shaped gnocchi for Halloween!
How to make quick sautéed mushrooms?


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