What is the glass of water test and is it effective in detecting swallowing disorders?

What is the glass of water test and is it effective in detecting swallowing disorders?

“Presbyphagia refers to the physiological aging of the swallowing system. We are all exposed to it, regardless of any additional pathology,” recalls Dr. Olivier Krys, geriatrician, in the preamble. It is linked to the aging of all the systems involved in swallowing: the quality and quantity of teeth, the musculature and sensitivity of the tongue, the secretions of the salivary glands, but also the quality of the oropharyngo-esophageal mucosa. In addition, “with age, the neurological command that governs part of swallowing is slowed down. We also observe fibrosis of the tissues which become more rigid. The muscles atrophy and their power is impaired. This has an impact in particular on the propulsion of the food bolus but also the closure of the trachea which prevents food from going down the wrong path into the esophagus,” explains the geriatrician.

As a consequence of presbyphagia, the person concerned must sometimes make a greater and longer effort to chew food in order to achieve a size and texture that is easy to swallow and propel back into the esophagus. This phase can last longer than in younger adults because: because the food is poorly chewed and less moistened. The teeth are less effective and the person produces less saliva, due to age but also medication. “Food can then have more difficulty passing, sometimes with a little reflux through (…)

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