American teens vape less than ever

American teens vape less than ever

smoke – The electronic cigarette has never been used as little as today and this has been the case for ten years. “A monumental victory” according to Brian King, the tobacco director at the FDA

Good news for public health! The prevalence of vaping among American teens has hit a record low, the lowest level in a decade, according to an annual survey of 29,000 middle and high school students. Less than 6% of high school students reported vaping this year, down from 7.7% the year before, Morning Brew reports.

“A monumental victory”

The significant decline, which primarily affects high school students, is attributed to several factors: awareness campaigns about the dangers of vaping, restrictions on flavored tobacco, and the perception of vaping as “old-fashioned” through social media. As Brian King, the FDA’s tobacco director, puts it, “This is a monumental victory for public health. But we can’t rest on our laurels. There is clearly more work to be done to further reduce youth use.”

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Also read:
Drôme: A man seriously injured by the explosion of his electronic cigarette
Australia: Government bans import of puff due to ‘worrying’ success among teenagers
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“Keep calm and don’t smoke” … UK to ban puffs and aims to become a smoke-free country
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