The ruined Bogdanoff castle is threatened by a danger order


It has been falling into ruin for years. The castle of Esclignac (Gers), former property of the Bogdanoff brothers, could be the subject of a danger order. According to La Dépêche du midi, the question should be raised during a meeting between the town hall of Monfort, where it is located, the sub-prefecture of Condom and the fire and rescue service of Gers.

Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff acquired this castle, listed as a historic monument, in 1986. Since their death, taken by Covid-19 at the age of 72 between December 2021 and January 2022, the building has been abandoned and left in a pitiful state.

“Ripped roof, collapsed beams in the outbuildings, numerous broken windows,” Le Parisien already described in April 2023.

Because as France 3 Régions specifies, the question of succession is still pending, blocking any renovation work. 11 potential heirs have been identified. “Last winter, the hole in the roof got bigger, we are afraid of finding it completely collapsed,” declared today the mayor of Monfort Régis Lagardère to the local media.

“We are approaching 10 million”

The castle has already been classified among the “protected buildings in distress” by the DRAC. “All the people of Monfort are sad to see the castle in this state,” the mayor told La Dépêche. “It needs so much money now, I don’t know how it’s going to happen.”

“Two million euros would be for preservation work,” he added for France 3 Régions. “But if we want to redo the entire roof, we’re approaching 10 million.”



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