This juice sold in supermarkets is by far the best of all according to UFC-Que Choisir

This juice sold in supermarkets is by far the best of all according to UFC-Que Choisir
This orange juice sold in supermarkets is by far the best of all according to UFC-Que Choisir
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For breakfast or simply to refresh yourself, juice is one of the best drinks. Many of us prefer it homemade. But when we don't have time, industrial bottles also have their advantage ! UFC-Que Choisir then decides to take stock to reveal to us the most suitable product for our health.

An unprecedented investigation by UFC-Que Choisir

Industrial orange juice is not necessarily popular with the French. And for good reason, its composition does not always meet health standards. Some will say that it contains too much sugar or additive For example. Elements which arouse the disapproval of UFC-Que Choisir! It is precisely for this reason that these experts decided to investigate these bottles. Enough to determine if certain products remain consumable for the French!

For its investigation, UFC-Que Choisir therefore asks 60 consumers to test various industrial orange juices. The study mainly focuses on bottles that bear the “organic” label that we find in supermarkets. And to determine its ranking, experts focus on several criteria!

On the one hand, UFC-Que Choisir tested the nutritional values ​​of industrial orange juices. Their composition determines their impact on health. As for the consumer panel, it determines the taste of each product. The results of the study then make it possible to advise consumers on the right bottles to consume. One product in particular seems to convince the experts!

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Here is the right bottle to consume

Not all bottles of industrial orange juice pose a health risk. One brand in particular convinces the UFC-Que Choisir experts. This is the jus d’orange 100% pur jus Orange Bio Village. Consumers can find them in Leclerc stores. After its analysis, the product obtained a score of 13/20. This is what allows it to rank at the top of the list!

During its study, UFC-Que Choisir declared that this bottle is similar to what we do at home. And this as much for its taste as its composition! Consumers who have taken the test also say they want to continue drinking it.

But the advantage of this orange juice also lies in its price! As UFC-Que Choisir indicates, the latter is sold at 2 euros in supermarkets. Enough to make it an accessible product for all consumers!

UFC-Que Choisir makes some remarks

If this orange juice holds first place in the UFC-Que Choisir rankings, it is above all for its composition. Indeed, oranges for their production come from organic farming. It is also found in the ambient and non-fresh sections of stores.

All these elements suggest that this orange juice contains a large amount of vitamin C. UFC-Que Choisir, however, recommends being vigilant regarding its consumption. And for good reason, the bottle contains a large quantity of sugar. Which is not always ideal if you want to stay healthy!

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Source: UFC-Que Choisir



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