the essential
116 victims of pathologies with an established link with the Covid-19 vaccine were amicably compensated by Oniam at the end of 2023.
On March 4, 2022, the law relating to the rights of patients and the quality of the health system created the national office for compensation for medical accidents, iatrogenic conditions and nosocomial infections (Oniam), placed under the supervision of the Ministry of health.
Compensation intended to compensate for “damage caused” par “a medical accident or damage attributable to a biomedical research activity”, “an iatrogenic condition”with the side effect of treatment, or “a nosocomial infection”contracted in a health establishment. So many files managed at the level of seven conciliation and compensation commissions (CCI) which cover the territory. But since the end of 2020, Oniam, also responsible for victims of emergency health measures and compulsory vaccinations, has been in charge of the compensation mission for “damaging consequences of vaccination against Covid-19”. Possible compensation, specifies Oniam, thanks to “friendly, rapid and optional procedure”, “without taking legal action”which is based on scientific publications, pharmacovigilance analyses, the applicant's medical file, and potential collegial expertise. Between March 2021 and December 2023, Oniam received 1,376 requests from people considering themselves victims of vaccination against Covid. As of the same date, 116 had been compensated amicably. A very modest part of the activity of the office which, in 2023, recorded 81,802 files processed since its creation in 2002.
More than 156 million doses injected in France
And “relatively small number of applicants” on the subject of Covid and the more than 156 million injections of vaccine doses nationally, which had been raised by the Senate Social Affairs Committee, leading it to refer scientific and technological choices to the parliamentary office, to floor on “the adverse effects of vaccines and the latest developments in scientific knowledge on Covid-19”. On May 30, 2024, four deputies and senators submitted their report. In which elements of the hearing of the general director of Oniam, Sébastien Leloup, appeared. Who then indicated that Oniam had ruled on 319 files, with 29% positive opinions. Among the 91 people compensated amicably, 48% for pericarditis or myocarditis, 11% for neurological disorders, 9% for a stroke. And an average amount of compensation of around €8,000.