Why you need to limit light pollution in your garden

Why you need to limit light pollution in your garden
Why you need to limit light pollution in your garden

Light pollution refers to an excess of lightlight artificial emitted by humans. It is noticed by a halo that emanates from a city because of public lighting or that of businesses, from roads because of the headlights of carscarsilluminated private gardens, etc. This lighting is harmful to the environment and in some countries it sometimes becomes impossible to observe the sky.

What are the consequences of light pollution on garden biodiversity?

Too much light pollution harms the lives of animals. Migratory birds need the night to find their way and the surplus of external light disrupts their trajectory and lengthens their route. Some become exhausted and die before reaching their destination.

THE amphibiansamphibiansTHE batsbatsTHE night butterfliesnight butterflies like the bombyx, the firefliesfirefliesTHE boysboys nocturnalnocturnal need the night to feed, to protect themselves from predators, to reproduce or to orient themselves. Because of light pollutionlight pollutiontheir habits are disrupted, they become exhausted and may die prematurely.

Flora, for its part, needs light to develop. The process of photosynthesisphotosynthesis will modify theenergyenergy bright in mattermatter organic. Faced with nocturnal light, the development of plants is disrupted. They may flower earlier than usual, making them more vulnerable. In short, the balance of biodiversity is profoundly altered!

So what can we do to limit this light pollution?

As with eco-gestures that contribute to respecting the environment, if everyone gets involved, light pollution can decrease. The ministerial decree of December 27, 2018 aims to limit this type of pollution and individuals are also concerned.

So you can:

  • turn on your outdoor lighting only when essential;
  • light only the necessary places;
  • choose light fixtures that point downwards and not towards the sky;
  • use dimmers and presence detectors in your garden;
  • reduce light intensity by using LEDs and bulbs colorcolor hot;
  • turn off your outdoor lighting after 1 a.m.;
  • close your shutters to prevent interior light from reflecting outside.

By applying these recommendations, the biodiversitybiodiversity your garden will be much better off!



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