“Rice Zempic”, this supposed slimming recipe concocted by TikTok

“Rice Zempic”, this supposed slimming recipe concocted by TikTok
“Rice Zempic”, this supposed slimming recipe concocted by TikTok

(ETX Daily Up) – With summer approaching, many unusual recipes are appearing on TikTok with the famous “summer body” in mind. After morosil candies and water mixed with cider vinegar, it is now “Rice Zempic” that is being talked about as a new miracle concoction for weight loss.

The recipe for “Rice Zempic” is simple: rice, water and lime juice. This drink is presented as an alternative to the antidiabetic drug Ozempic, diverted from its initial use to put an end to excess pounds.

Some TikTok users claim to have lost weight quickly thanks to this drink. For example, TikToker moonlightxdiaries claims to have lost two kilos by drinking a glass of rice water on an empty stomach every morning for a week. However, this method does not work for everyone. Another user, @blkbird8, expressed skepticism, pointing out that the drink wasn’t filling enough to stave off cravings.

A placebo drink?

Experts, however, remain doubtful about this new trend. They point out that this drink has no proven effect on weight loss. “While rice water may have some nutritional benefits, such as providing a source of energy through its starch content, there is no evidence to suggest that it has properties that significantly impact weight loss , especially in the same way as anti-diabetic medications like Ozempic,” Scott Keatley, a registered dietitian-nutritionist, told Health.

Dr Mir Ali points out that although rice water is relatively low in calories, it does not have the hormonal effects of Ozempic. This is not the first time that starchy foods or grains have been transformed into supposedly slimming drinks.

The Oatzempic, its predecessor

Recently, “Oatzempic”, a mixture of oatmeal and lime, created a buzz on TikTok. Unlike Rice Zempic, oats are recognized for their nutritional benefits promoting weight loss, thanks to their beta-glucan content, a soluble fiber which provides a feeling of satiety and reduces the urge to snack. Oats also contain antioxidants that may reduce inflammation and improve heart health. However, to date, no scientific studies prove that these drinks actually help you lose weight.

It is essential to remember that only a healthy and balanced diet, combined with regular physical activity, allows you to lose weight effectively and sustainably. And above all, it is crucial to listen to your body’s needs before embarking on a new food trend.



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