After these two cancers, women are more likely to have complications during pregnancy

After these two cancers, women are more likely to have complications during pregnancy
After these two cancers, women are more likely to have complications during pregnancy

There is little data on the risks of obstetric complications encountered by women who survive cancer in adolescence or adulthood. This is why researchers at the University of Birmingham (Great Britain) sought to quantify these risks in female survivors of 17 specific types of cancer. For their study, British researchers analyzed data from more than 200,000 survivors of 5-year cancer, diagnosed when they were between 15 and 39 years old. In this cohort, 21,437 births were recorded, or 32% fewer than in the general population. And among women who survived breast cancer or cervical cancer, the number of births was even half the expected number.

A risk of complications in the event of cervical cancer and leukemia

In addition to the difficulties in getting pregnant, scientists also sought to identify possible obstetric complications. “We observed 27 specific obstetric complications leading to hospitalization” emphasize the researchers. But this probability of developing complications was not statistically greater than in the general population, with the exception of two types of cancer” they specify. The study shows that survivors of cervical cancer uterus or leukemia run a greater risk of several complications (…)

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