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After the fire, the women’s heart bus is back in Île-de-France

After the fire, the women’s heart bus is back in Île-de-France
After the fire, the women’s heart bus is back in Île-de-France

Cardiovascular diseases represent the leading cause of death among women in France. Faced with this emergency, the heart bus offers free screening. The pink bus is set up for three days in Argenteuil from June 26 to 28, at the Parc des Berges, a year after being set on fire.

“Every day, 200 women die from cardiovascular disease in France”, This is the chilling observation drawn up by Claire Mounier-Vehier, co-founder of the Agir pour le coeur des femmes association, cardiologist and vascular doctor (CHU Lille).

Installed from June 26 to 28 in the Parc des Berges, in Argenteuil in Val-d’Oise, the heart bus comes to meet women all over France to prevent cardiovascular diseases. This bus has for “objective of identifying women at cardiovascular and gynecological risks”, summarizes the cardiologist present in Argenteuil.

“Today in France, women are under-screened, under-treated”, continues Claire Mounier-Vehier. “80% of them believe that they are in good health as long as they are not sick. They put their health aside and will postpone their medical appointments even though they are at high cardiovascular risk .”

The heart bus has been plying the roads since 2020, but on the night of June 28 to 29, 2023, during the riots which followed the death of Nahel, the bus parked in Bobigny went up in smoke. An online prize pool raised 350,000 euros and thanks to the generosity of donors, the Agir pour le cœur des femmes association invested in a larger and even better equipped bus.

Very quickly, consultations resumed and thanks to generous donations, the association was able to invest in more equipment with the installation of two Doppler ultrasound machines and two electrocardiographs, instead of one.

Even if with 76,000 deaths per year, it is the leading cause of death in France: strokes, myocardial infarction, heart failure and other diseases of the circulatory system could be avoided in eight out of ten cases. by adopting a better lifestyle. “Prevention is therefore essential”, insists the cardiologist.

On the program for the three days in Argenteuil: a health trail that lasts around two hours. Bianca, (first name has been changed) is relieved. She has just had her health check-up and is reassured. “I am very satisfied that I am in good health”she explains.

The young woman followed for 1 hour 30 minutes, a ten-step health journey: a cardiovascular assessment, blood test, interview with a gynecologist, blood pressure measurement, etc. The only thing I have to watch out for is that I’m a little overweight, but I suspected that.“, she whispers. “I’m going to have to take care of that.”confides the young woman.

Lydie, 54 years old, is also participating for the first time: “It is essential to get screened and have a lifestyle diagnosis before falling ill, rather than after!” testifies the fifty-year-old. “It’s essential to be aware of this and also be attentive to your health, not just that of others,” she adds.

“We have completed our cardio-gynecological screening course, which includes 10 steps, with an electrocardiogram and Doppler ultrasound for those most at risk. Women meet a multidisciplinary medical team and are given an autotensiometer at the end of their course after a short prior training”(…)”The objective is that they continue to monitor themselves regularly at home”, specifies Claire Mounier-Vehier.

The pink bus has already screened nearly 10,000 women since its creation in 2021. The prevention of cardiovascular diseases is “a public health emergency: 90% of women passing by the bus had at least two cardiovascular risk factors, and almost half had two cardiovascular risk factors and two gynecology-obstetrics risk factors”explains the Agir pour le cœur des femmes foundation.

Among the symptoms that should alert you: chest pain, shortness of breath during exercise, discomfort, palpitations… “Any new and atypical symptom requires a consultation with your doctor.insists Dr Mounier-Vehier.

Registration: by telephone on 01 34 23 57 00 and via the Doctolib platform.



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