this sandwich to favor at the bakery

this sandwich to favor at the bakery
this sandwich to favor at the bakery

It’s not always easy to eat quickly and healthily. At lunchtime, many of you push open the door of a bakery or sandwich shop to find the snack that will satisfy your mid-day hunger pangs. The sandwich often remains your best ally. Easy and quick to eat, it is also inexpensive. Practical between two professional meetings. But be careful, it can also be the worst enemy of your line. Not all sandwiches are created equal. One of them is to be avoided if you still want to fit into your swimsuit this summer!

Diet: This sandwich too rich in sugar that you should avoid

If there is one sandwich to ban from your diet, it is the triangle sandwich which populates our supermarket shelves. In question: the sandwich bread. “Flour with a white crumb, you run away because it quickly becomes sugar and you’re going to get a sugar rush. It’s like putting sugar cubes straight into your mouth.”alerts Dr Cocaul to our colleagues at Yahoo News. same for me Swedish bread. According to the nutritionist, these sandwiches would be “catastrophic” for our car line too sweet and not very filling. You risk finishing quickly, in addition to accumulating carbohydrates. A recent study by the consumer association CLCV reviewed 1,740 bread products. She reveals that sandwiches made from bread (…)

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