This simple and accessible physical activity could be a powerful remedy for back pain

This simple and accessible physical activity could be a powerful remedy for back pain
This simple and accessible physical activity could be a powerful remedy for back pain

It would be possible to prevent the occurrence of recurrent lower back pain thanks to this simple change in lifestyle, reveals a large-scale study. The latter demonstrates once again that complete immobility in a bed is most often harmful to maintaining one’s muscles.

Back pain, and more specifically lower back pain, represent a real public health problem: 4 out of 5 people will suffer from it during their lifetime, and more than half of the French population has had at least one episode of back pain. in the last twelve months according to Health Insurance estimates. Commonly called “back pain”, “lumbago” or “back pain”, they correspond to often intense pain in the lumbar vertebrae, located at the bottom of the back. In the medical community, we speak of “common low back pain” as opposed to “specific low back pain”, linked to underlying diseases such as scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, fracture of a vertebra, infection localized to the spine, tumor vertebral… False movement, poor working position, significant effort can cause one, with a risk of chronicization (when back pain persists beyond 3 months) which requires specific treatment. Fortunately, Health Insurance reports that 9 out of 10 common acute lower back pains heal before 4 or 6 weeks thanks to two factors.

What are they ? It is simply an adequate treatment such as physiotherapy and maintaining activity. Indeed, the well-known slogan “The right treatment is movement” is true: physical activity is the key to getting over back pain. For…


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