Mutualité Française Grand Est: strategic and operational partner of the Grand Est Regional Health and Environment Plan

Since its creation in 2017, the Mutualité Française Grand Est (MFGE) has established itself as a real stakeholder in the implementation of the Grand Est Regional Health and Environment Plan (PRSE).

Commitment from PRSE 3

From 2017, with the launch of PRSE 3, the MFGE was entrusted with responsibility for the operational objective aimed at strengthen the knowledge and skills of the general public and sensitive populations on environmental health issues. This objective has notably resulted in the implementation of prevention and health promotion actions throughout the Grand Est region.

Continuing Engagement with PRSE 4

With the implementation of PRSE 4, the MFGE continues to be a strategic and operational partner, actively participating since 2022 in all phases of consultation, development and drafting of the PRSE. Work which culminated on October 17, 2023 with the signing of the 4th PRSE Grand Est, organized around 4 axes:

  1. Healthy lifestyles and consumption patterns
  2. Development of the outdoor living environment favorable to health and the environment
  3. One health
  4. Environmental health in the territories and closer to citizens

Currently, the MFGE is engaged in the declination of the PRSE into action sheets, with the objective of finalizing, with all the project stakeholders (Dreal, Ars, DRAFF, Direccte, General Council, departmental councils, hospitals, associations, … ), this work by the end of 2024.

Four prevention actions implemented by the MFGE have already been pre-identified as potential action sheets:

  • FFES Actions (Aware Families and Pregnant Women) : Environmental health awareness specific for families, parents of young children and pregnant women.
  • At home, I say stop pollutants : Program to reduce pollutants in homes: indoor air, cosmetics, food, etc.
  • Podcast “The environment at the heart of my health »: prevention tool accessible to everyone, at any time and everywhere, offering monthly insights & practical solutions to current environmental health issues (water, endocrine disruptors, electromagnetic waves, etc.) by giving voice to specialists on the issue
  • “Consume better for my health and my planet”: Cycle of workshops aimed at learning how to consume better in order to preserve your body and the planet’s resources.

An Involvement Focused on Axis 1 of PRSE 4: Lifestyles and Consumption Favorable to Health

The involvement of the MFGE in PRSE 4 is mainly part of Axis 1 of the PRSE – Healthy lifestyles and consumption patternsand results in the implementation throughout the Grand Est region of these actions – co-financed by the PRSE – aimed at the general public, with a particular focus on sensitive or precarious populations.

La Mutualité Française Grand Est remains today an essential partner for communities and health organizations in the Grand Est. Its constant commitment to PRSEs demonstrates its essential role in prevention and health promotion among local populations. With PRSE 4, the MFGE is strengthening its action and developing concrete initiatives to improve lifestyles and consumption, thus contributing to a healthier environment for all.



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