The number of cholera cases approaches 200

200 is now the estimated number of cholera cases in Mayotte, according to the latest report communicated at the end of the week by the French health agency. “As of June 18, 2024, 193 cases of cholera were reported in Mayotte”, including 172 acquired locally and 21 “imported from the Comoros or countries on the African continent”, indicates Public Health France in a weekly epidemiological update.

Over one week, 27 new cases were reported, including 17 on June 18 alone, “the day after gatherings on the occasion of (a) religious festival,” adds the agency. Since the start of the epidemic, two deaths, including that of a 3-year-old girl, have been recorded in the archipelago of around 320,000 inhabitants.

134 in Comoros

Mayotte currently has three active foci of cholera transmission, all in the commune of Mamoudzou. A new outbreak was detected in the Doujani district, the day after gatherings for the religious festival, according to the agency.

The neighboring archipelago of the Comoros, affected for four months by the cholera epidemic, has recorded 134 deaths and 8,734 cumulative cases, according to a report made public on June 13 by local health authorities.

A vaccine as a priority

Emmanuel Macron called on Thursday to “send cholera to the past”. The French president announced that a “production line for vaccines against cholera could be deployed in Africa” by the South African laboratory Biovac, whose investments will be supported on a “priority basis” by a new financial mechanism.

Until now, the South Korean EuBiologics is the only supplier of oral vaccines. The French Sanofi stopped its production at the end of 2022. France has been the subject of criticism for not having taken the necessary measures, mainly for access to drinking water, in order to avoid a cholera epidemic on its own territory, in Mayotte.



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