Anais Barut: career, achievements, projects…know everything

Anais Barut: career, achievements, projects…know everything
Anais Barut: career, achievements, projects…know everything

Anaïs Barutthis name may not mean anything to you, but this young entrepreneur means well iimpact the health of all French people. The young woman is recognized for her work in the field of medical technologies. She is co-founder and PDG of Dame Medical. This company specializes in development of innovative medical devices for the diagnosis of cancer skin.

Anais Barut: Training

Anaïs Barut graduated fromInstitute of Optics Graduate School (IOGS). There she acquired solid training in optics and photonic technologies. Subsequently, she joined the master’s degree from HEC Paris, majoring in entrepreneurship. Its aim was to acquire the skills necessary for construction of Dame Medical. His academic background allowed him to become familiar with the technological advances in the medical domain. Which thus laid the foundations for his future entrepreneurial career.

Anais Barut and the Medical Ladies

In 2014, Anaïs Barut co-founded Damae Medical with David Siret. The two entrepreneurs share the same vision and taste for adventure. They also collaborated with Arnaud Dubois. This professor patented a pioneering optical technology but did not industrialize it.

In 2015Anaïs Barut joined the Parisian Agoranov incubator. She was therefore able to count on the support of other Medtech entrepreneurs ready to advise her. In this dynamic, the young shoot began to establish partnerships with university hospitalssuch as the Saint-Étienne University Hospital.

Medical ladies focuses on the development of a non-invasive diagnostic device of skin cancer. This is based on a technology called “iconfocal imaging in reflection“. This device makes it possible to visualize skin cells in depthdown to the cellular level, via simple contact with the surface of the skin, without requiring a biopsy.

Every year, between 140,000 and 243,000 new cases of skin cancer are recorded in France. Anais Barut’s innovative technology then allows dermatologists to diagnose skin cancer more precisely, quickly and efficiently. This reduces wait times for patients needing life-saving cancer treatment. Knowing that, detected early enough, 90% of skin cancers can be cured, this technology will save many lives.

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Anais Barut: achievements and recognition

The Damae Medical device allows early and accurate detection of melanomas and other skin cancers. Which is indeed crucial for the effective treatment of these diseases.

Anaïs Barut and her team received several distinctions for their innovative work. They have notably received prizes in startup competitions and grants for research and development. In 2015Damae Medical won the prestigious EDF Pulse price. This increased visibility and helped finance the project. The same year, Anaïs Barut was recognized by MIT as one of the ten best French innovators under 30 years old.

Between 2014 and 2017Ladies Medical a lift 3 million euros to develop its technologies. In 2022the company has once again raised 5 million euroshighlighting the growing interest and support for their groundbreaking work.

Anais Barut: Future projects

Anaïs Barut continues to lead Damae Medical towards new technological advancements and international expansion. The company’s future plans include:

  • Improvement of existing technologies : Improve the confocal imaging device to make it even more precise and accessible.
  • Market expansion : Expand the reach of their products to new international markets.
  • Research and development : Exploring new applications of confocal imaging technology in other medical fields.

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Anais Barut: Impact and Vision

Anaïs Barut is a inspiring figure in the world of medical technology. His commitment to improving methods of diagnosing skin cancer has a significant impact on public health. Indeed, it leads the way for innovation in the field of medical devices. Currently, 1 in 3 cancers diagnosed in France is skin cancer, emphasizing the crucial importance of their work. Thus, his vision of making medical diagnoses more precise, less invasive et plus accessibles continues to guide his efforts and those of his team at Damae Medical.

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Anaïs Barut is a determined and innovative entrepreneur, whose work contributes to transforming the current medical landscape. His career illustrates how technology and entrepreneurship can come together to bring concrete solutions to major health problems.




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