An Alzheimer café in a school: to spread everywhere!

An Alzheimer café in a school: to spread everywhere!
An Alzheimer café in a school: to spread everywhere!

Close caregivers of people with Azheimer’s disease share fun moments with future medical helpers to free up speech and share pleasant moments. ©EDA

« I must admit that I came here the first time with feet of lead. My daughter insisted. But I received many answers to my questions regarding my wife’s health and reactions. I left, delighted. It did me a lot of good. Besides, I’m back!“. Charly modestly recounts his daily life, which he reinvents every day, facing Azheimer’s disease which affects his wife. At 88 years old, this resident of Erpent assures “ meals and everything else “. A few months ago, his wife got lost while out walking. “ She was able to call me but she didn’t know where she was. She had fallen and lost the keys to the apartment and the car. She suffers from permanent memory loss “. Since then, Charly’s wife has refused to leave their home. Claude, their daughter, and Charly found attentive ears and new resources at the Alzheimer Café.

« The Alzheimer Café is a friendly moment that we have been organizing, once a month, for 4 years, within the Institut Sainte-Ursule with 5th and 6th year students in the family support section, explains Line Brunet, healthcare professor. Everyone can come accompanied by the person in their family suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or come alone as a close caregiver, whether you are a spouse, daughter or son. “. This big-hearted teacher trained with the Alzheimer League with her equally committed colleague Françoise Cornet. “ We always specify that we are neither psychologists nor neurologists. We are here to listen, to be able to give sources of information, little advice. Above all, it is the group which discusses lived experiences, which recommends an interesting film. Everyone comes to share what concerns them and have a fun time without judgment.

Develop empathy towards the sick

The listening and kindness necessary to hear the words of close caregivers. ©EDA

This June 13, during the last Alzheimer Café of the school year, Marie, Marine, Olive, Aline, Emilie, Gwenaëlle and other 5th and 6th grade students recount with emotion the bonds formed: “ Marie and Jojo are sick but they are still very funny! They love playing Memory. Jojo sticks out his tongue and calls us his little darlings.” These students are already faced with Alzheimer’s disease, during their internships as family caregivers at home, or in nursing homes. “I wanted them to meet these people and help them in a less medicalized setting. Caregivers give them advice. They are prepared and develop more empathy towards these sick people. Humor saves us!», smiles Line Brunet.

Cultivate joy with humor and kindness

The students of Sainte-Ursule take great care of their caregivers. ©EDA

« You will see in your future profession. Besides, I advise you to try talking to him like that “. By talking with Bernadette, Anne, Catherine, Charles and other caregivers, future caregivers benefit from ‘little tips’ and valuable advice to adapt to sometimes destabilizing situations. “ They also share the emotion that is experienced around this illness, when you are 24 hours a day with a person you love and with whom you have lived for years. This affects them a lotsays Line Brunet. What they also receive is recognition from close caregivers who want to pass on their experience and benefit others. ».

There is no question at the Alzheimer Café of moping around the disease. The aim here is to recharge your batteries through games, singing, music therapy, creative workshops, an Easter egg hunt, sudoku… ” Caregivers sometimes condemn themselves to staying at home and no longer daring to go out because the wife or husband no longer has an attitude that is completely well regarded by society. Some prefer to protect their wife or husband from the gaze of othersexplains Line Brunet. Here we take people as they come. It’s very calming for everyone.”How to react to the tears of seniors? “ Seeing an elderly person cry scared the students. And then by seeing how my colleague and I react, how we overcome this slightly more difficult milestone in the afternoon with humor and kindness, our students feel more reassured, more equipped. And we always end the afternoon with pastries from my colleague Françoise. »

Sparking emulation elsewhere in Wallonia

From then on, the two teachers, who were inspired by the Alzheimer Café at the Institut de la Providence in Ciney, hope to inspire others elsewhere in Wallonia. “ The Alzheimer League supported us during the implementation of the project in 2020 and supports us in the event of questions and difficulties. The role of facilitator can be entrusted to anyone wishing to open an Alzheimer Café according to the protocol of the Alzheimer League ».

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The Sainte-Ursule Institute nominated by the Générations solidaire jury!

The Sainte-Ursule institute is one of the 15 schools and associations nominated by the Générations solidaires jury. This solidarity operation initiated by the L’Avenir media is supported in particular by the King Baudouin Foundation and the Cera cooperative. As part of this 8th edition of the Générations solidaires call for projects, 149 citizen initiatives were received!

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