Morocco and Germany sign an alliance for the production and export of green hydrogen

Morocco and Germany sign an alliance for the production and export of green hydrogen
Morocco and Germany sign an alliance for the production and export of green hydrogen

Morocco and Germany have agreed to a climate and energy alliance. Berlin supports indeed the expansion of renewable energy and hydrogen production in the kingdom.

According to Reuters, Germany aims to increase its supply of hydrogen as a clean energy source to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With Germany’s domestic production of renewables falling short of demand, the country will have to import up to 70% of the hydrogen it needs.

“Morocco has the best conditions for the energy transition and the production of green hydrogen,” said Svenja Schulze, the minister of Economic and Social Cooperation Development, which signed the declaration of alliance with Nasser Bourita, The Minister Moroccan Foreign Affairs, in Berlin.

“We want this partnership to be beneficial for both parties. Morocco can develop its clean energy sector and participate in the growing market for hydrogen technologies.”

Svenja Schulze

Germany supported “cooperation on electricity trade between Morocco and the European Union and the participation of German companies and technology providers to advance the hydrogen economy there,” Economy Ministry State Secretary Stefan Wenzel told Reuters.

Additionally, Morocco’s solar thermal power plant in Ouarzazate was built with German support, Schulze said. Germany is also helping Morocco build its first green hydrogen pilot plant. The latter will have a production of 10,000 tonnes of hydrogen per year, to produce 50,000 tonnes of green steel, added the ministry.

The agreement did not specify a timetable for the start of hydrogen production and export to Germany, nor the logistical aspects.



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