3 recent confirmed cases of monkeypox in Reunion

3 recent confirmed cases of monkeypox in Reunion
3 recent confirmed cases of monkeypox in Reunion

The Regional Health Agency provides an update on the investigation launched into the three cases of monkeypox infections over the last two weeks in Reunion.

ARS press release

3 cases of infection with the Monkeypox virus (monkey pox) have been confirmed over the last 2 weeks in Reunion.
An epidemiological investigation was implemented. Patients and their contacts were taken care of and received information on what to do: encouragement to be vaccinated as soon as possible, monitoring of any appearance of suggestive symptoms.

How is the disease transmitted and what are the symptoms?

Human-to-human transmission occurs during prolonged face-to-face contact through respiratory droplets or direct contact with an infected person, through bodily fluids, skin lesions or internal mucous membranes such as the mouth, as well as indirectly through objects that the patient has contaminated, such as clothing or bed linen.

The first symptoms appear after an incubation period of between 5 and 21 days. The infection can begin with fever, headache, muscle pain, difficulty swallowing, asthenia and lymph nodes in the neck and upper thigh, skin rashes.

The person is contagious from the appearance of the first symptoms and until the skin lesions have completely healed. The recommended isolation period is 3 weeks, in order to avoid any contamination of those around you. Some people are likely to develop serious forms, particularly immunocompromised people, pregnant women and young children.

What to do if you have symptoms?

If symptoms appear (fever and rash with blisters), contact SAMU Center 15 who will refer you to a medical consultation.

It is recommended to self-isolate while awaiting medical advice, and to avoid close contact with other people.

Vaccination against Monkeypox is free for the public concerned

The High Authority of Health (HAS) recommends offering preventive vaccination against Monkey Pox virus infection to exposed groups, and not only to contact subjects.

Three vaccination centers are accessible on the island, by appointment:

CEGIDD North-East:
CHU Félix Guyon Allée des Topazes, Saint-Denis
Tel: 02 62 90 55 69

29 rue Labourdonnais, Saint-Paul (former MRI premises of the former Gabriel Martin Hospital Center)
Tel: 02 62 74 23 80

South University Hospital, Pavilion 3
Tel: 02 62 35 96 30
For any questions about vaccination, consult your doctor or contact O 801 90 80 69
(or refer to the website www.monkevpox-info-service.fr)



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