Discover the heart and its mechanisms

Discover the heart and its mechanisms
Discover the heart and its mechanisms

Dietitians from the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) developed this information session. In addition, these sessions are organized quarterly for people who wish to learn more about heart health.

Natalie Trudeau, dietitian at the Health Centre, says more about the session. “The goals of the class are to understand different heart diseases. We mainly target adults aged 40 or over. This is the population that is most affected by cholesterol and high blood pressure. »

So during this session, people can learn what the targets are for blood pressure, cholesterol. But also how to reduce the associated risks, as well as certain warning signs and symptoms to be aware of.

“Janelle Vincent will give the second information session. She is a dietitian at the Saint-Boniface Health Center. This session will then focus on diet and reducing the risk of heart disease. We cover topics such as types of fats, dietary fiber, sugars, and how to read nutrition labels to know how to better choose products. We also discuss how to set realistic and achievable health-related goals in order to be able to sustain them. »

Each month, it is possible to attend a variety of free bilingual health sessions. Session dates are available on the Saint Boniface Health Center website.



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