“I lost 16 kg during menopause, simply by listening to my body”

“I lost 16 kg during menopause, simply by listening to my body”
“I lost 16 kg during menopause, simply by listening to my body”

Placed under artificial menopause at the age of 47, Sophie Kune made it her mission to understand this period which marks the end of menstruation and to talk about it without taboo. A few years later, as she entered menopause, she found herself confronted with cardiovascular problems and was then forced to adapt her lifestyle, and for the first time in her life, to place her well-being as a priority. . Quickly, this mother and wife will realize that by being more attentive to her body and its needs, she will experience a real rebirth. These realizations reinforce her desire to share her story via her Instagram account (@menopause.stories) through which she establishes a link with many women – who ask a thousand and one questions about menopause. Today, Sophie is starring in the film Menopause, when women talk about it, a documentary by Julie Talon which presents 12 portraits of women who have agreed to talk about their life after menopause, broadcast on Arte on Tuesday June 25 at 10:30 p.m. “ Menopause is a film made by women for women. I’m super proud to be part of it because it features real, authentic women., powerful,” she rejoices. Interview.

“The menopause milestone was positive: I experienced a real transformation”

Top Santé: How did you experience your menopause?

Sophie Kune: “(…)

Read more on Top Santé

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