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Giant ticks: present in at least 11 departments, including 4 in Occitanie, they can transmit fatal hemorrhagic fever

Giant ticks: present in at least 11 departments, including 4 in Occitanie, they can transmit fatal hemorrhagic fever
Giant ticks: present in at least 11 departments, including 4 in Occitanie, they can transmit fatal hemorrhagic fever

the essential
Since 2015, Hyalomma marginatum, also called “giant tick”, has been spotted in Occitania and in 11 French departments. Some carry a bacteria that can transmit the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus, which worries the authorities.

These little creatures cling, bite, and if not treated quickly, can transmit potentially fatal diseases. The “Hyalomma marginatum” tick, with striped legs and a particularly large size – almost a centimeter – which can pass the virus from one individual or animal to another, via the blood that ‘she absorbed. These giant ticks, like normal ticks, can carry the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease but also a worrying virus.

11 southern departments concerned

The giant tick, native to Africa and Asia, was introduced into France in 2015, mainly by migratory birds. If they worry the authorities, it is because they are likely to transmit the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus, like the single Public Health France. It can cause chills, fever, digestive problems and, in the most severe forms, bleeding or organ failure. No human cases have been diagnosed in France but these infected ticks are present in the territory.

Read also :
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever: what is this tick-borne disease detected for the first time in the South-West?

At the beginning of the summer, Public Health France warned of their presence in 11 departments: Corse-du-Sud, Haute-Corse, Bouches-du-Rhône, Var, Alpes-Maritimes, Ardèche, Drôme, Hérault, Gard, Aude and the Pyrénées-Orientales.

What to do

These tourist areas are therefore at risk and when going out into nature, it is important to cover your legs and arms as best you can with light-colored clothing to better spot ticks.

Read also :
Ticks: 4 tips to avoid bites!

In the event of bites, to remove the animals, you must use a tick remover or pliers, making sure to remove them completely. If symptoms persist within 14 days of the bite, you must go to the doctor and indicate that you have been in contact with a tick in order to be treated effectively.



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