Ultra-processed foods linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality

Ultra-processed foods linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality
Ultra-processed foods linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality

Researchers examined the health impact of a range of ultra-processed “plant-based” foods, confirming other findings linking processed foods to health problems.


More and more studies are linking ultra-processed foods (ULTs) to increased risks of health problems such as obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

A team of researchers from the University of São Paulo in Brazil and Imperial College London in the United Kingdom looked specifically at the impact of ultra-processed “plant” foods on cardiovascular risk.

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They analyzed data from nearly 120,000 people from the British Biobank, aged 55 on average.

When the diet was more rich in unprocessed plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains or nuts, the risks were reduced.

A 10% increase in these ingredients was associated with a 7% reduction in cardiovascular disease risk and an 8% reduction in coronary heart disease risk.

In contrast, consumption of ultra-processed foods of non-animal origin was associated with 5% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease and 12% in the mortality rate.

THE ultraprocessed foods (AUT) in general were also linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.

“We have a new strong argument to encourage the reduction in the consumption of ultra-processed foods, whether of animal or plant origin,” Dr Renata Levy, one of the study’s authors and a professor at the University of São Paulo, said in a statement.

What ultra-processed foods were included in the study?

The study looked at a wide range of ultra-processed foods, including industrial breads, pastries, biscuits and cakes. Meat substitutes accounted for only 0.2% of plant-based AUT.

Dr Hilda Mulrooney, professor of nutrition and health at London Metropolitan University, said in a statement that the study was “impressive in its size and in its use of a wide range of statistical methods to demonstrate the existence of an effect.”

But she emphasized that “the biggest contributor to ultra-processed plant foods is not meat substitutes, but bread, pastries, buns, cakes and cookies, which are arguably not good markers of a plant-based diet , since many people who eat meat also eat these products.

“The study is limited to showing associations and causality cannot be demonstrated,” she added.

Several experts also noted that the study relied on the NOVA classification system, which classifies foods based on their degree of processing but does not take into account their nutritional content.

“Eating too much of one food group is likely to lead to an imbalance, and I would be much more concerned about healthy foods being made more affordable. For many people, eating lesser foods quality is the only possible option due to the pressure exerted by the cost of living”, added Mr. Mulrooney.



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