sprays to fight mosquitoes

sprays to fight mosquitoes
sprays to fight mosquitoes

A new cluster of dengue cases has been identified at Pointe Vénus: 4 cases have been recorded in the area. This therefore brings the number of cases to 225 in total, in one year. We cannot yet speak of an epidemic, but the authorities are taking the lead and have scheduled anti-mosquito spraying this morning.

Insecticide spraying very early this morning in Mahina in order to eradicate as many mosquitoes as possible. Because in this district of Pointe Vénus, 4 cases were recorded less than 100 meters apart. Hearing the sound of the Health Department machine, a resident immediately opened his house. “It’s a very good thing because dengue fever is no joke. When I was little, my son already had that… he had a high fever and bled gums. I took him to the hospital and it was right”signals Teiki Vernaudon, resident of Pointe Vénus.

These sprays reassure local residents.

©Polynesia the 1st

The residents, on the whole, appreciate the passage of the medical vehicle. As Francis Bonet, also a resident of Mahina, who thinks that “It’s good, we need to treat it so we don’t wait for it to get worse.” “We try to spray as much as possible around the cluster, we need 100 m2”, explain Manutea Teraaitepo, agent of the Health Directorate.

225 confirmed cases of dengue, for 21 hospitalizations, but no severe cases or fortunately deaths. Although the number of cases is increasing, it is not yet possible to speak of an epidemic. “The coming weeks are really going to be crucial, we are going to be very vigilant and monitor whether the upward trend continues in the coming weeks”specifies the doctor André Wattiaux, doctor at the health monitoring center.

Spraying is carried out around the cluster, an area of ​​approximately 100 m2.

©Polynesia the 1st

In the coming weeks, the rainy season will certainly intensify. A period conducive to mosquitoes and therefore the transmission of diseases.




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