Tobacco-free month, a challenge to “multiply the chances of quitting smoking”, assures the tobacco department of Bagnols hospital

Tobacco-free month, a challenge to “multiply the chances of quitting smoking”, assures the tobacco department of Bagnols hospital
Tobacco-free month, a challenge to “multiply the chances of quitting smoking”, assures the tobacco department of Bagnols hospital

As part of the Month Without Tobacco, the Bagnols-sur-Cèze hospital center hosted an information and dialogue stand. The objective: to motivate smokers to quit smoking by showing the benefits.

It’s an annual challenge. No Tobacco Month started five days ago. On this occasion, the Bagnols-sur-Cèze hospital center organized the information day “In November, we stop together” on November 5. For one day, the nurses from the hospital’s tobacco department, Myriam Avit and Aïcha Cherifi, ran a stand equipped with a breath tester and flyers.

“We highlight the benefits of stopping smoking rather than the bad sides of tobacco, explained Myriam Avit. Afterwards, people are asked to make an appointment with a pulmonologist to conduct further research.

The first effects of stopping smoking are seen in just 20 minutes. The heart rate falls to average and after 48 hours, people regain more taste and smell.

For people who successfully complete the challenge of one month without cigarettes, breathing becomes easier and the level of fatigue decreases with the added bonus, “increasing the chances of quitting smoking completely” say the two nurses.

Show the benefits of stopping

During the year, the two caregivers look after just over 200 patients in the tobacco department. The people followed are aged between 15 and 90 years old and the most recurring profile is around fifty years old.

In recent years, more people have come to this service on their own because the information is more accessible.testifies Myriam Avit.

On November 21, the Bagnols-sur-Cèze hospital center should organize World Day Against Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) as part of No Tobacco Month. 80% of cases are the consequences of smoking.




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