How many calories to consume per day to lose weight? –

How many calories to consume per day to lose weight? –
How many calories to consume per day to lose weight? –

Losing weight is often associated with the idea of ​​reducing calorie intake. But how many calories should you really consume each day to achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy and effective way? This is a crucial question that requires a balanced and personalized approach.

Determining Your Baseline Caloric Need

Before you start cutting calories, it’s important to understand your basic calorie needs. This depends on several factors, including your weight current status, height, age, gender and physical activity level. Online tools and apps can help you estimate your basal metabolism, which is the number of calories that your body burns at rest.

Create a reasonable calorie deficit

Once you determine your baseline calorie need, you can create a calorie deficit to lose weight. weight. A moderate deficit of 500 to 1000 calories per day is generally considered safe and effective for losing around 0.5 to 1 kilogram per week. However, it is important not to reduce your calorie intake below your basal metabolism, as this can slow down your metabolism and harm your long-term health.

Choose nutritious and balanced foods

Rather than simply counting calories, focus on the quality of your food. Opt for nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. These foods not only help you stay full longer, but they also provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function properly.



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