lifestyle modification becomes first-line treatment

lifestyle modification becomes first-line treatment
lifestyle modification becomes first-line treatment

Physical activity and diet adapted to the patient

Thus, changing lifestyle habits becomes the very first step in patient care. “Lifestyle modifications (physical activity, nutrition, fight against a sedentary lifestyle) are a prerequisite for the possible implementation of drug treatment for hyperglycemia and must be maintained over time,” notes the HAS.

She recommends the implementation of a nutritional program to improve glycemic balance and the prescription of physical activity adapted to the patient and their abilities – an individualized prescription which is a motivating factor for the patient. “Physical activity (PA) presents numerous therapeutic benefits such as improving insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of progression of diabetes or even cardiovascular complications,” recalls the HAS.

The need for therapeutic education

These lifestyle modifications must be part of therapeutic patient education. How ? “Personalized sessions, carried out with professionals, can be offered to people to help them gradually gain autonomy in the management of their diabetes. For this ‘therapeutic alliance’ to work, the professional team must take care to take into account the patient’s lifestyle, socio-economic situation, etc. “.

Medication therapy, adapted to the patient (risk factors, needs, comorbidities) will be prescribed in addition if lifestyle changes are not sufficient. The HAS also reminds that since type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease, it is important to regularly question the patient in order to adjust the different therapies to their situation and needs.

Serious complications of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes initially develops silently. Cells, particularly of the liver, muscles and adipose tissue, become less and less sensitive to insulin, a pancreatic hormone essential for the penetration of glucose into the cells. The pancreas eventually becomes exhausted and no longer produces enough insulin. Glucose then accumulates in the blood.

Complications from excess blood sugar can be very serious in the long term. Type 2 diabetes accelerates atherosclerosis, causing cardiovascular diseases and accidents (myocardial infarction, stroke). The disease also causes retinopathy causing visual impairment or even blindness, peripheral neuropathies, renal failure, liver diseases, etc.

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