Dr David Soussi Berjonval: prize for best video communication at the 2024 SOFFCO-MM congress

Dr. David Soussi Berjonval, visceral surgeon specializing in bariatric and parietal surgery, won the prize for best video communication at the last congress of the French and Francophone Society for Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases (SOFFCO-MM) .

The annual congress of SOFFCO-MM which, with more than 1,000 participants, is one of the largest French congresses in visceral surgery, was held on May 23 and 24 in Nantes. The theme of this edition was surgery 3.0. Dr David Soussi Berjonval had the opportunity to present two oral communications in video form. The first focused on the RYGBP robot technique, the second on the treatment of fistula post-sleeve gastrectomy. It is precisely for this second communication entitled “Upper gastrectomy and reconstruction in Y chronic fistula post-sleeve gastrectomy”, that Dr Soussi Berjonval received the prize for best video communication awarded by SOFFCO-MM. The video, produced using a module integrated into the Da Vinci robot, presents the treatment of a patient referred to the Poitiers University Hospital as a referral center, presenting a fistula, after a sleeve gastrectomy. Sleeve gastrectomy, along with gastric bypass, is one of the operations commonly performed by specialists at Poitiers University Hospital in minimally invasive surgery with the Da Vinci surgical robot. This intervention aims to reduce the volume of the stomach in order to promote weight loss. Surgeons remove 75% of the stomach and then staple the rest together along its entire length. One of the complications of this intervention is the appearance, due to poor healing on the stomach, of a fistula, an opening from which gastric, salivary and food fluids will flow which can have serious effects. serious consequences for the patient. It is a complication that affects between 2 and 4% of patients. The video describes the treatment carried out by Dr David Soussi Berjonval using robotic surgery: the resection of the entire upper part of the stomach including the fistula, then the reconstruction with the small intestine raised to the level of the lower part of the esophagus. The video was made using the recorder module integrated into the Da Vinci robot’s celioscopy instruments. “ I am very happy to have received this award on behalf of Poitiers University Hospital. It is a personal accomplishment for Professor Jean-Pierre Faure, bariatric surgeon and myself, who have been working for several years on these complex robot-assisted surgeries. We have solid expertise in these types of interventions for which we are references. It is in this context that we regularly receive professionals from other establishments, even from abroad. They are often surprised to see that bariatric surgery is a routine surgery at Poitiers University Hospital. Receiving this award is obviously very rewarding. It also represents the accomplishment of the dynamics of our operating theater which is a very dynamic theater with an equally dynamic setting, Ramatoulaye N’Dong. We work perfectly with the team of anesthesiologists, and the nurses and caregivers are very efficient. Everyone knows what they have to dohasire “.

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