Why it is not good to have a mirror in the bedroom

Why it is not good to have a mirror in the bedroom
Why it is not good to have a mirror in the bedroom
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Have you ever thought about the effect a simple mirror can have in your bedroom? Few people realize that this common accessory can influence the energy and atmosphere of their resting space.

In this article, we’ll explore why it may not be ideal to have a mirror in the bedroom.

Why it is not good to have a mirror in the bedroom

Why it is not good to have a mirror in the bedroom
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Mirrors and Feng Shui

According to the principles of Feng Shui, the bedroom is a space reserved for rest and relaxation. The presence of a mirror can disrupt this harmony by reflecting energy and creating an overly active atmosphere.

This can lead to difficulty sleeping, nightmares or loss of vitality.

Influence on sleep

Having a mirror facing the bed can also disrupt your sleep. Seeing yourself reflected at night can unintentionally focus on your concerns and worries, which can affect the quality of your rest.

It is recommended to place the mirrors in such a way that they do not directly reflect the bed.

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Effect on Intimacy

A mirror in the bedroom can also compromise your privacy.

If you are uncomfortable with the idea of ​​having your own reflection within sight during your intimate moments, it is best to avoid installing one in this room.

Does sleeping in front of a mirror really affect sleep?

While there are many superstitions about how having a mirror in front of your bed can affect sleep, you may wonder if there are any practical ways to do this.

Waking up in the morning not really aware of reality and suddenly seeing your reflection staring back at you can startle you.

Even small movements, like a breeze, a cat or a small insect, can disturb when you see them reflected in the mirror.

A mirror can also reflect sunlight and sound. When the sun comes up and shines through your window, reflecting off the mirror, it can disrupt your sleep. This is a good reason to cover your mirrors at night.

As for noise reflection, some noises can be projected and appear to be coming directly from your mirror.

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If you don’t want to remove or move it, another acceptable solution is to cover it with a blanket. If you don’t believe it, you can try sleeping with a blanket for a few weeks.

Does this mean we should remove all the mirrors from the house?

The best place to place the mirror is the bathroom, because it is the place in the house that generally respects feng shui the least.

However, whenever possible, you should place it to the side of the bathroom and never facing the door.

Also remember to always close the door to prevent bad energies from spreading throughout the house.

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