When we get older – Plants and Health

When we get older – Plants and Health
When we get older – Plants and Health

Loss of muscles, blocked joints, senses that lose their sharpness… Advancing age goes hand in hand with an inevitable decline in physical abilities. Between the ages of 30 and 70, muscles weigh on average half as much, leading to a decrease in strength. Bone density decreases, the fascia (connective network enveloping all our muscles and organs) loses flexibility and the joints are more fragile… But what is remarkable according to studies is that the physical fitness of active people remains, even as they age, higher than that of sedentary people. Concretely, doing sport regularly helps to delay aging: we maintain the proper functioning of our systems (cardiac, circulatory, hormonal, etc.), we improve the health of bones and cartilage, we maintain our physical strength, etc. The challenge is therefore to remain active throughout life. “It’s never too late to get started. The slightest practice is ‘profitable’, we always have a return on investment. After 60, sport must be included in a life project,” explains Éric Lorrain, sports doctor, osteopath, phytotherapist and author of the Grand Manuel de phytotherapy (Dunod).

The good news is that the sport can be practiced at any age, even when you feel pain linked to mechanical problems. In this case, consulting a movement professional is the first thing to do to carry out an assessment and obtain advice on suitable exercises.

If you suffer from osteoarthritis, Jérôme Grest, physiotherapist, osteopath, holder of a DU in aromatherapy and former therapist for the French canoe-kayak team, recommends favor gentle sports without too much joint stress. “Swimming, walking on flat ground, cycling helps unlock the joints and restore mobility to the connective tissues that surround them. This prevents the worsening of osteoarthritis. » All in just the right amount. “If we do too much sport, we damage our joints more. If we don’t do enough, we don’t fix them. You need at least half an hour of practice per day for sufficient benefit,” advises Dr. Lorrain. And if you don’t dare to go it alone, numerous walking, Nordic walking, voluntary gymnastics or aquagym groups are forming in cities. “Even pétanque is good to have, it also maintains social ties,” says Dr. Lorrain. Conversely, sports causing significant shock and impact on the cartilages such as jumping, running (when osteoarthritis affects the knees), tennis (when it affects the shoulder), motorcycling and parachuting (osteoarthritis of the knees). cervical) should be avoided.

Of course, sport alone is not enough to relieve osteoarthritis. To slow down its progression and reduce pain, it is in our best interest to turn to plants whose effectiveness

Under no circumstances can the information and advice offered on the Plantes & Santé site replace a consultation or diagnosis made by a doctor or health professional, the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.



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