Tiger mosquito: “If you make an effort but your neighbor leaves water lying around… it’s ruined!”

Tiger mosquito: “If you make an effort but your neighbor leaves water lying around… it’s ruined!”
Tiger mosquito: “If you make an effort but your neighbor leaves water lying around… it’s ruined!”

Fifty-nine municipalities in Puy-de-Dôme are already colonized by the tiger mosquito. A lover of water and greenery, he is also well established in Allier and Haute-Loire. Although he appreciates altitude less, he has also moved to the west of Cantal. Is its invasion inevitable?

Despite a slight delay due to a particularly cool month of May, the tiger mosquito should soon show its teeth and take up residence for the summer. If eradicating it seems more and more like a fantasy, it is still possible to reduce its harmful power. On several conditions.

The effort must be collective

Specialists say it again and again, the fight against the one which responds to the sweet name of Aedes albopictus will be collective or it will not be. “If you make an effort but your neighbor leaves water lying around… it’s ruined! Because it evolves within 150 meters around its place of birth,” says Gilles Besnard, entomologist at EID Rhône-Alpes who swears by prevention. Because, he assures us, once it is there, “it’s very hard to get rid of it”. Invested in the fight, the professional gives us his valuable advice.

Without water, no mosquitoes!

Do not allow larvae to develop. This is “the golden rule”. We must therefore act on water conservation around homes. Originally from South-East Asia, the tiger mosquito, which originally developed in bamboo, has been able to adapt to our climates and our lifestyles. It therefore needs vertical walls on small containers with water. It loves humans and thrives near homes.

“We must therefore put away everything that we can leave lying around which is likely to fill with water. Cups, gutter downspouts, buckets, rainwater grids, children’s toys… »

The key word is simple: empty, tidy and place gravel if possible. “If the mosquito does not have access to water, it will not reproduce. » Among the tips, the specialist suggests putting gravel in the water cups or even covering the water collections and cisterns with an anti-insect veil and making sure to tie them down. The slightest flaw will be exploited by the female.
Should you say goodbye to your swimming pool? “No, the recycling and filtration system prevents reproduction. On the other hand, children’s paddling pools must be emptied regularly. Stagnant water should be avoided. »

Fight if he attacks you

How to protect yourself from it once it’s there? Gilles Besnard insists that everything possible be done to avoid his presence. “I repeat myself, but you have to understand that once it has reproduced, it is very difficult to fight. »And cohabitation will be unpleasant. To make it bearable and avoid stings, opt for long, light-colored clothing. Ventilation oriented at ground level is also a good option and will hinder insects in their approach. Lemongrass? “It works partially…”, judges the Auvergnat who recommends repellent bombs sold in pharmacies as well as mosquito nets for the little ones.

The highly colonized region

The situation is alarming in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes where more than 1,000 municipalities are now colonized. In Puy-de-Dôme, 59 municipalities have been listed. The Auvergne capital was the first in 2018, followed by Riom in 2019, then Chamalières, Pont-du-Château in 2020, Aubière in 2021. Followed by Aulnat, Issoire and Ménétrol in 2022, and finally Thiers, Volvic and Châtel-Guyon in 2023. In neighboring departments, Allier was the first affected in 2022 with the colonization of Vichy, Montluçon and Cusset. Haute-Loire was spared until 2023. Brioude joined the ranks of colonized towns last year. The south-west of Cantal was affected in 2020, before Aurillac will also be affected in 2023. Figures revealing a massive invasion, which for some seems inevitable…

Watch out for illnesses

However, Gilles Besnard wants to believe in a miracle. “If everyone becomes aware of the problem, it is possible to act and prevent it from happening again,” the specialist repeats over and over again. “It’s a real question of public health because behind the tiger bites, we must not forget the diseases. »
Commando operations in certain municipalities. Last summer, we witnessed massive treatments in certain municipalities in the region. Far from being systematic, these mosquito control operations were commissioned by the ARS following the report of a sick person (dengue, Zika or chikungunya) in a colonized place. In Puy-de-Dôme, seven operations were launched in 2023. Only one resulted in the treatment of the municipality of Tallende. “In the other cases, we went door to door to see if the place could be considered colonized, which was not the case. There were many sick people but in areas that were not invaded. In this case, we do not treat. »

The tiger mosquito continues to expand in the communities around Riom

Are the Olympics a Source of concern? “Yes, the risk will be multiplied with a huge mixing of populations. Some will arrive during a period of viremia (the virus has been in the blood for 8-10 days and contagion is optimal). In the region, Saint-Étienne, Lyon, but also lots of hotels will accommodate teams. Not to mention those who will attend the events. »

Carole Eon



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