“Four out of five children do not achieve 30 minutes of daily physical activity”… In Toulouse, a day “for a fit France”

“Four out of five children do not achieve 30 minutes of daily physical activity”… In Toulouse, a day “for a fit France”
“Four out of five children do not achieve 30 minutes of daily physical activity”… In Toulouse, a day “for a fit France”

the essential
Wednesday May 22 was organized at MEETT, a day on the theme of health and sporting activity entitled “For a France in shape”. Health experts were present.

“It takes a tsunami for the population to understand that physical activity is vital. I am not going to congratulate someone who does not do sport” explains Professor François Carré during the opening conference for the “For a fit France” day.

This Wednesday, May 22, at MEETT in Aussonne on the second floor, an inventory was held during the first part of the day. The public was invited to listen to experts discuss this issue.

Physical and sporting activity has been established as a major national cause for 2024, it corresponds to our health capital, the more active a person is, the more they will remain in good health, avoiding risks.

Increasing sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity

Indeed, a sedentary lifestyle is increasing in all segments of the French population. “The figures are scary” as Fabien Pillard, hospital professor at Toulouse University Hospital, puts it: out of 146 countries, France ranks 119th in terms of physical activity for 11-17 year olds. 4 out of 5 children do not achieve 30 minutes of daily physical activity. Sedentary lifestyle is progressing worryingly: young people aged 11 to 17 spend more than 2 hours on screens and do less than 60 minutes of physical activity per day.

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Two out of three young people present worrying health risks. Young people have lost 25 to 30% of their cardiorespiratory capacity over 40 years. As proof, the leading cause of cardiac arrest in young people under 30 is myocardial infarction.

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Adults are not spared. 56% of them report physical activity below the recommendations, i.e. 30 minutes of physical activity per day. For the latter, the time spent in front of screens has increased by 53% in ten years. Finally, 95% of French adults present a health risk due to lack of physical activity.

Reversing the trend is possible

In terms of regional initiatives, the town of Sète is an example, having been labeled a “Live and Move” city. Via the city’s “sport health on prescription” program, implemented in 2017, Sétois doctors offer their patients a certificate of no contraindication to adapted physical activity. This policy targets inactive people, those over 60, children aged 7 to 13 and people who are obese or overweight. This order allows them to participate in free sports sessions for 1 year, then they are referred to sports associations.

François Carré indicated that if nothing was done: “For the first time in the history of humanity, parents will bury their children.” The morning ended with an active break, everyone was invited to do some squats, boxing and jack jumping.



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