: October 12 and 26, walk-in mammograms for Pink October

: October 12 and 26, walk-in mammograms for Pink October
Arras: October 12 and 26, walk-in mammograms for Pink October

« S’they are detected early, nine out of ten cancers are well treated », recalls Baptiste Rouxelin, radiology technician at Radiopole Artois, a private imaging group. Hence the importance of screening as early as possible. On the occasion of Pink October, the medical imaging center is organizing for the third time two Saturdays of mammography without appointment on October 12 and 26, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Espace Artois Santé.

A prevention stand

To get there, you just need to bring the usual documents, such as the Vitale card. “ If interested people can come with a prescription, that’s great. But exceptionally, we will agree to take them later. » A prevention stand has also been planned to keep women waiting, who will be able to train in self-examination with a bust and discuss the issues of breast cancer with health professionals. Drinks and pastries will be distributed free of charge.


« Mammography sometimes suffers from a poor image. As we can have a few delays for appointments, that doesn’t help. »The idea is therefore to attract a more reluctant audience. “ A success! » The first edition attracted 160 people. Breast cancer is the leading female cancer in . It affects around 61,000 new women each year.



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